Bao Minh jasmine cake - Modern beauty

Bao Minh Confectionery Joint Stock Company is an enterprise that creates solid trust for consumers about its products. With a team of competent and dedicated experts and employees, Bao Minh has launched modern confectionery products that are safe for consumers’ health.

Bao Minh jasmine cake has long been favored by consumers because of its delicious taste and rich nutritional value. The ingredients for baking are carefully selected, very safe for health. The attractive cake flavor will bring you great moments of enjoyment next to friends or relatives.

Bao Minh jasmine cake is conveniently packaged, easy to store and can be used for a long time. You can take it with you to travel very handy and replenish nutrients for the body. It is also possible to give jasmine cakes to friends and relatives who are both formal and polite and have high culinary value. 

Bao Minh has a system of production machinery that meets ISO 22000:2005 standards, modern technical technology, ensuring from production to preservation. Therefore, Bao Minh jasmine cake not only has wide coverage in the country but is also reaching out to the international market. Consumers are very easy to find to enjoy this special cake.

Bao Minh Jasmine cake - Vietnamese flavor


Bao Minh jasmine cake has the typical flavor of tropical fruits such as orange, strawberry, green tea, and coffee. The raw materials for the production of jasmine cakes are flour, sugar, vegetable oil, butter, chicken eggs, powdered milk. All ingredients go through strict testing, ensuring absolute nutritional value and safety for health.


Jasmine cake is produced from nutritious ingredients, so it is often used in breakfasts and snacks to supplement nutrients, helping the body to be ready for daily activities.


Along with high technology and technology, Bao Minh jasmine cake undergoes a modern, closed production line, strictly complying with regulations on food hygiene, ensuring safety for users' health.

How much does jasmine cake cost

Jasmine cake with orange flavor 180g

Jasmine cake with orange flavor 180g

Jasmine cake with strawberry flavor 180g

Jasmine cake with strawberry flavor 180g

Jasmine cake with green tea 180g

Jasmine cake with green tea 180g

View more




    Jasmine cake production process


    Selection of ingredients

    The ingredients for making jasmine cakes are very nutritious, but they also need to be selected and stored strictly. The ISO standard machinery system meets the requirements of food safety and hygiene.


    Kneading the dough

    The processed and balanced ingredients will be kneaded to create a dough mixture, ensuring delicious cakes.


    Steaming cakes

    After shaping, the cake is steamed. With a modern autoclave system, ISO standards will create fresh, soft and fluffy jasmine cakes.



    After the finished cake is finished, the cake will be put into a closed packaging line. The form of wrapping jasmine cakes does not have a colorful appearance but is extremely simple and elegant.



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    Cam kết của chúng tôi


    The source of jasmine cake ingredients is carefully selected, distilled, and has a clear origin. Therefore, Bao Minh's jasmine cakes are always soft, porous, and rich in nutrients.


    Jasmine cakes are produced under strict supervision and modern processes. The product does not contain harmful chemicals and preservatives, ensuring safety for consumers' health.


    Bao Minh jasmine cake is distributed at retail stores, supermarket systems, and e-commerce sites nationwide. Customers who want to buy in bulk will be given preferential prices and transportation by Bao Minh.



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